1. Separation of Electric Guitar Sound based on stacked Recurrent Neural Network 2. Learning Cube Strategy in Backgammon with Neural Networks 3. Finding the Social Networking Service Factors of Homestay Intention in Vietnam Based on GM(1,N) Model 4. Dependency Parsing of Financial News to Improve Sentiment Analysis for Predicting Market Prices 5. Analysis of Polysemy using Variance Values for Word Embeddings by BERT 6. Timbre-enhanced Multi-modal Music Style Transfer with Domain Balance Loss 7. Opinion Dynamics including both Trust and Distrust in Human Relation for Various Network Structure 8. Variational Autoencoders for Polyphonic Music Interpolation 9. A Method to Extract Knowledge Explanation Sentences from Conversations in Comics with Combination of Contents and Expressions 10. Automatic Punctuation Restoration for corpus in Traditional Chinese Language using Deep Learning 11. Empirically Testing Deep and Shallow Ranking Models for Click-Through Rate (CTR) 12. Mining Events through Activity Title Extraction and Venue Coupling 13. Visualization techniques to give insight into the operation of the Go policy network 14. The Design of Access Control by using Data Dependency To Reduce the Inference of Sensitive Data 15. Extraction of Question-related Sentences for Reading Comprehension Tests via Attention Mechanism 16. Music Retrieval Focusing on Lyrics with Summary of Tourist-spot Reviews Based on Shared Word-vectors 17. Cost-Sensitive Deep Learning with Layer-Wise Cost Estimation 18. Cost Learning Network for Imbalanced Classification 19. Disambiguation of Japanese Idiomatic Expressions Using Bias in Occurrence of Verbs 20. Enhance Content Selection for Multi-Document Summarization with Entailment Relation 21. Deep Case Estimation and Japanese Anaphora Resolution with a Verb-Associative Concept Dictionary 22. Personalized Travel Product Recommendation Based on Embedding of Multi-Behavior Interaction Network and Product Information Knowledge Graph 23. Syntax-aware Natural Language Inference with Graph Matching Network 24. Application of Exchanging Monte Carlo Method to Sample Deep Boltzmann Machines 25. Making Negation-word Entailment Judgment via Supplementing BERT with Aggregative Pattern 26. Mining and Clustering Phrases for English for Special Purpose: Travel Writing 27. Learning of Evaluation Functions on Mini-Shogi Using Self-playing game records
1. Determining the Logical Relation between Two Sentences by Using the Masked Language Model of BERT 2. Refined Prediction of Mouse and Human Actions Based on A Data-Selective Multiple-Stage Approach of 3D Convolutional Neural Networks 3. Playing AI Dots-And-Boxes Using Endgame Theory and Nimstring Sprague-Grundy Values 4. Behind the Name: A Comparative Framework for Age Estimation of Taiwanese Names 5. A CHINESE CHARACTER-LEVEL AND WORD-LEVEL COMPLEMENTARY TEXT CLASSIFICATION METHOD 6. Analyses of Tabular AlphaZero on NoGo 7. Deep-Learning Rain Detection and Wiper Control Featuring Gaussian Extraction 8. Construction of document feature vectors using BERT 9. Developer Recommendation for Bug Reports based on Ontological Aspects 10. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on Convolution Neural Network and Multi-Hierarchical Attention 11. Construction of Domain-Specific DistilBERT Model by Using Fine-Tuning 12. MatDC: A Multi-turn Multi-domain Annotated Task-oriented Dialogue Dataset in Chinese 13. A Deep Learning Approach for Efficient Palm Reading 14. Causality Model for Text Data with a Hierarchical Topic Structure 15. A Capsule Conditional Generative Adversarial Network 16. ConSenses: Disambiguating content word groups based on knowledge base and definition embedding 17. Probabilistic Segmentation of Word Forms into Affixes and Word Roots 18. Evaluation of Loss Function for Stable Policy Learning in Dobutsu Shogi 19. A Gradient Boosting Method for Effective Prediction of Housing Prices in Complex Real Estate Systems 20. Hoeffding Tree Method with Feature Selection for Forecasting Daily Demand Orders 21. Multi-modal, Multi-labeled Sport Highlight Extraction
1. 採遞迴式多場景序列感知之物聯網影像強化 2. 社群網站貼文中的颱風災情相關具名實體辨識 3. 多功能加工製造中心機台配置最佳化 4. 鯨魚優化演算法之改進及應用 5. 跨語系之學術搜尋引擎的開發及挑戰 6. 長短期興趣漂移在推薦系統中之研究 7. 智慧美顏系統之研究 8. 基於深度網路影像辨識之兒童手部衛生養成與激勵系統 9. 結合CNN和LSTM在連續人臉情緒影像辨識上的應用 10.常見問題檢索使用改進的上下文語言模型之方法 11.基於AIS船舶軌跡進行移動環境對航行姿態影響之探勘 12.應用網路聲量及情緒分析於熱門歌曲點播量預測 13.用於步態辨識之具骨架資訊的步態能量圖 14.微型無人機基於視覺自動區域偵察與物件偵測定位 15.深度學習應用於偵測建築工人之不安全行為 16.基於圖像理解與色彩意象由畫作生成詩文之系統 17.情緒及技術指標於股票漲跌幅排名預測及動態投資組合最佳化之研究 18.FinRec: Financial Item Recommendation with Pre-Training Tree-based Models 19.Using Balanced Adaptive Focal Loss for Imbalanced Datasets 20.以機器學習模型為基礎之YouTube影片分享網站熱門榜單影片觀看量預測 21.透過起訴書輔助法院判決-以竊盜罪為例 22.應用 BERT 結合上下文特徵於中文裁判書之要旨抽取 23.基於邊緣運算的物聯網應用於蟲聲辨別 24.應用 Auto-encoder 技術於無監督漢字圖像修復 25.Answering Chinese Elementary School Social Study Multiple Choice Questions 26.利用他家資訊模組來改良麻將程式 27.聲音辨識應用於城市聲景觀測:以交通噪音為例 28.Supporting Evidence Retrieval with cross-sentence relation 29.DeFake: Debunking Fake Social Messages with BERT Embeddings 30.腸病毒預報:應用機器學習預測腸病毒疫情 31.面向層級情感分析於美食評論之研究 32.基於深度學習智能化足壓分析之研究 33.蜜月橋牌程式開發及殘局庫的建立 34.Automatic Recognition of Broiler Flock Distribution with Object Detection and Clustering Technology 35.Multi-focus Image Fusion Using Encoder-Decoder Learning Network with Refinement 36.利用迫著空間改進AlphaZero的訓練效率 37.Learning for Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm 38.GMM-based Sampling for Imbalanced Data Processing
1. 蔬果自動採收機器人 2. 象群游牧優化演算法之改良及應用 3. RapidMiner於資料採礦之應用 4. 基於預測表現與樣本權重調整風險估計之領域適應方法 5. 基於深度學習之病史詢答問題比對 6. 記憶遊新:基於深度學習之台灣新竹景點影像辨識系統 7. 應用自然語言處理與人工智慧技術於常用刑事類別判決預測 8. 具協同過濾推薦和模糊查詢功能的電腦組裝系統 9. 基於矩陣分解之課程推薦及系統實作 10.Data Driven Spotting Note Prediction for Film Scoring 11.應用AutoNER於社群網路中文歌手名稱辨識之研究 12.基於影像識別與文字探勘技術於海洋生物辨識及熱門潛點分析之研究 13.集成式沙漏網路於心臟都普勒超音波切面分類 14.屬性選取分類模型於上市公司破產預警之研究 15.無人機於立體建物檢視之覆蓋路徑規劃 16.基於深度學習之嵌入式動作偵測系統 17.使用虛擬資料訓練以協助台灣手語特徵擷取暨手型辨識